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Romans 2.0



on Monday the 17th Avril was in the city Pula, Croatia for the Flavijevska ulica Music Fest . unlike Avril's previous performances . This was the best Show Avril has put on during her

{ Greatest Hits } Tour . Even though Avril sang songs from the past set list . Avril was on stage at the Roman Amphitheatre . Even though she performed for a audience of 2,000 plus Little Black Stars . The show was was the Best any one has ever seen .

For the last three songs { Head Above Water } & { I'm With You } & { When You're Gone } . Avril dressed in all white . A all White Hoodie . A long split thigh Skirt and Knee High Boots . Its what she was not wearing . Or what she was singing . But the fact Avril had a small string orchestra on stage with her . Any Little Black Star would know . Avril hardly has ever uses a string orchestra on stage with her . Not even for a award show . So the fans at Croatia they was so lucky .

But since Avril was performing on a stage at a Roman Amphitheatre . I stared thanking what would Romans be thanking . If they knew what people from out day in age was using the Amphitheatre for . Since the Romans form of entertainment was . Sex Drugs Music and death . But As i watch the first episode of season two of { House Of Dragons } . I stared thanking . About the entertainment of the 21st century.

In tv movies . We get sex drugs and Death . Plus when it comes to musical artist like

{ Nickelback } they mention sex and drugs in there song { Rock Star } . Even Avril Lavigne makes a reference to Sex in songs like { 17 } & { Don't Tell Me } & { One Of Those Girls } Plus in her Music video for { Rock N Roll } . Avril kills a Sharkbear with a electric guitar that has a skilled saw blade .

So i had the thought we are still like the Romans who was entertained by Death Sex Music and Drugs . We just get the same entertainment in different forms . So yea the Romans would Love the fact that Avril . Was using the Amphitheater to entertain her modern day Romans. Especially if you had a few chariot races or drag car races in the morning . Then in the afternoon a few WWE wrestling matches . Then at night Avril singes her hits and dose a full a rendition of her hit song { Hot } . Where she is wearing her trademark green and black sexy corset from the music video { Hot } . Then rap up the concert with a full string orchestra playing the songs { Head Above Water } & { I'm With You } & { When You're Gone } Now That would be the best damn thing any one would have ever seen .

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We get many of the Pitchers From Avril's social media Accounts or from the web . We also get many of the video From Avril's social media . We often get Pitchers from outer Fan Websights like Avril Bandaids and  France those Pitchers are tag with there Names so please DO NOT remove there Tags . We Are Not associated with the Avril Bandaids Famly . Avril Ramona Lavigne Fan Page is NOT a official Fan Club for Avril Ramona Lavigne . The  Administrator have only Met Avril one time but is not associated to Avril Ramona Lavigne and the Moderators can not get in contact with Avril Lavigne so we can NOT pass on any messages to Avril Lavigne but you can fine Avril's contact info on her Bio Page ..... 

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